NaNoWriMo Pep Talk: More Than Halfway There

And suddenly, it was the halfway point. Could you call that Hump Day? Or is that reserved for Wednesdays? I think that’s an American thing, because this Brit had never heard of it for a long time and then thought it meant something completely different. Nomenclature...

Pep Talk with Nathaniel Ballard

How can it be over a week already? Wasn’t it Preptober only yesterday? And yet, here we are, already nearly two weeks into NaNoWriMo. And what a busy week it has been. When I’ve not been trying to bash out my own daily dose of words, I’ve been watching the Nano...

Virtual Writers: NaNoWriMo Events 2019

  NANOWRIMO AT MILK WOOD We are excited to announce that we’ll be hosting a selection of online workshops again this year. Click on the links below to participate at the specific time. These workshops are held in Second Life®. All scheduled events take place...

Pep Talk from Doyle Slen

Here we are: Another November. Another NaNoWriMo. Another Fangsgiving. Another hectic down-to-the-wire rush for some, and a “how did I get here, and why did I do this to myself again?” moment for others. What with the bulging, red-rimmed eyes and over-caffeinated...

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